HETHARO/HETHALON June 30, 2017 RodrigoA (R esetting of the Cosmic Clock) HETHARO is a part of a MERKABA CYCLE that correspond to the ELECTRICAL PEAK . (May 27, 2003). REFFERING to the peak or TOP SPEED OF THE SPIN of the ELECTRICAL MERKABA in the ELECTRICAL- MAGNETIC MERKABA SET . It is FOLLOWED by ANOTHER EVENT of the same CYCLE which called the HETHALON (August 12-15, 2003) , which is the MAGNETIC PEAK or TOP SPEED of the SPIN of the MAGNETIC MERKABA in THE ELECTRICAL-MAGNETIC MERKABA SET . HETHARO is a VERY NATURAL CYCLE . A part of what it is also called the REPLENISHING of the CRYSTAL SEED ATOM ( CENTER OF THE MERKABA and it is that which makes the MERKABA SPIN ). That is, going back to the ORIGINAL POINT of CREATION AND REST AGAIN . (See: Yon-A-Sa Cycle , Heliotalic Currents ) The CYCLE He-Tha-ro/He-Tha-lon/Reus...