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Showing posts from November, 2018

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung

Sex Magick in Seven Steps: How to Use Your Orgasms to Change Reality

Sex magick is the art of harnessing the raw altered states of consciousness generated by sexuality to direct your unconscious mind towards manifesting your goals. Here’s how to do it. So.  Sex magick.  This will likely be remedial information for most of you but it never hurts to drag out the classics for another look. Some basics: 1. Your Conscious Mind is a Chatterbox That Always Gets in the Way. You want some stuff. You really, really want some stuff. You might want a better job, a better place to live, a better relationship. Or maybe you want some kind of deep spiritual fulfillment. But you never get these things. Why? Because your mind is a chatterbox that always gets in the way. It’s a bundle of disjointed, attention-deficient thoughts that go in every direction, all the time. It’s scattered and dispersed and instead of a mighty river flowing in one direction it’s a bunch of channels and creeks spidering all over the place and dispersing its energy everywhere. Yo...


Over the next few weeks, there may be times where you will be around other people that trigger you.  Once again, and as always,  you have a choice.  You can allow the triggers to happen  or  you can realize them for what they are, smile, nod and walk away.  One of the things that will differentiate you from others will be your ability to  step back and think before you speak!   It will also be beneficial if you ask yourself these questions; Will I be acting/reacting the same way I always do? Will what I say be hurtful or insulting to another? Will what I say make the other person feel/act/react differently? Will I be projecting  my feelings  onto another by what I say? Are they projecting onto me? If you take a moment and ask The Universe for assistance and support, you will find the answer to the aforementioned questions will change and change quickly.  Remember, you are  all  growing in ways you have ...

Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits. – Jerry Dunn

Waking The ‘Sleepers’

Dearest one, it is time to wake up.  It is time to open your eyes, see past the chaos and know there is a gentle, more compassionate, beautiful existence  waiting for you.  Like a sunrise painting the sky with hues of pink, purple and deep blue, your Earth plane is realizing the infinite possibilities available to every human on your planet!  Nudge the person next to you and quietly whisper, “Will you look at that, isn’t it amazing?!”  Slowly, they will begin to raise their eyes and gaze on something you have always seen…a new world, in all its infinite glory, created just for you! ~ Creator


Fear, as an emotion, is real and has been with humans since the beginning of time.  Implementing a response to fear kept you alive and safe.  But, fear also feeds  on fear.  If you choose to engage in that spiral, it will grow and put you in a space where everything is dangerous and ‘out to get you’. As always, this is where The Universe offers you a choice.  You can let fear run your life, letting fear take over and stop all forward movement and growth…. or…. you can acknowledge fear, thank it for its service and move through it.  Keep in mind that it may be one of the most challenging things you do but, one of the most rewarding!  Even through the chaos fear is creating on your Earth plane in this moment, if you look closely enough, you can see the light on the other side.  Always focus on the light and know you are supported every step of the way. ~ Creator

Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you.

OSHO Sex Is as Sacred as Everything in Life

OSHO The Search for the Eternal Lover

OSHO Making Love – A Sacred Experience

Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred about it. When your sex becomes love, then it is entering into a totally different dimension - the dimension of the mysterious and the miraculous. Now it is becoming religious, sacred, it is no longer profane. Rajneesh

Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred about it. When your sex becomes love, then it is entering into a totally different dimension - the dimension of the mysterious and the miraculous. Now it is becoming religious, sacred, it is no longer profane. Rajneesh

Why Sex is Sacred? By Deborah Anapol Ph.D. Love Without Limits

Why Sex is Sacred?  By Deborah Anapol Ph.D. Love Without Limits After twenty-five years of Tantric practice, the essential unity of sex and spirit seemed so obvious to me that I almost forgot the rest of the world doesn’t necessarily see it that way. The Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan said, "Love is the sign of Spirit," and in my mind this always included erotic love. When a friend invited me and my teaching partner to give a talk on Sacred Sexuality at his Church, I realized I would have to find a way to explain myself that would make sense to the uninitiated. Here is what I said. Why is sex sacred? The dictionary defines sacred as "made or  declared  holy, dedicated or devoted exclusively to a use, purpose, or person worthy of reverence or respect."The word itself comes from the Latin,  sacra  meaning "sacred, holy, consecrated," that is, blessed or revered. The noun (singular) is sacrum , meaning a holy thing or place. While modern religions...

11 Steps To Sacred Sex By Julie Piatt

To go deeper in your exploration of intimacy in relationships, explore Julie Piatt’s course with her husband Rich Roll, here. Sex is sacred. Wait a minute. Isn’t sex nasty, dirty, even forbidden?  Isn’t sex best with the person you’re not supposed to have it with?  I mean isn’t the naughtiness of sex one of the reasons it’s intoxicating in the first place? There is an allure in breaking the rules. But it’s actually pretty lonely being an outlaw. Isn’t sex also supposed to be about intimate connection? The biggest misconception about sex is that it’s forbidden or wrong. In truth, sex is sacred. Not in a churchy way. (Though, don’t get me wrong — if that’s your thing, I’m down.) But as pure cosmic energy, sex is a physical act that provides a direct connection to the divine. I think we’ve been going about it the wrong way for a very long time. From my personal experience, sexual, spiritual, and creative energy are really all parts of one whole. If you are ex...

Never judge people by their past. People learn. People change. People move on.

Sexual energy – your vital force : Conjure up the word sex and what comes to mind for you? Disgust, embarrassment, shame, and negative feelings towards men?

Sexual energy – your vital force Posted on 05/05/2015 by Kim Rossi in Wellbeing with 1 Comment Conjure up the word sex and what comes to mind for you? Disgust, embarrassment, shame, and negative feelings towards men? Or do you feel ‘I can’t be bothered with it; it’s something I’d rather not think about?’ You may of course, feel it’s the most wonderful, liberating, and marvelous experience. But there is a lot more to sexual energy than you’ve probably ever thought about. Putting old beliefs to rest Sex has been negatively highlighted for many years and pornography and degradation of women has been used to arouse and entertain. It’s no wonder that the book 50 Shades of Grey has proved so popular! So there has been a distinct lack of education about what sex and sexual energy really is. Many women are carrying old ancestral beliefs in their bodies and minds that they are meant to have sex just to please their partner. They have been used to pu...

Right Way?

Many people will have opinions on what path you should be walking.  There may be times when you do not trust yourself and feel the need ask others their thoughts while disregarding your own.  You may receive very strong direction from The Universe and choose to second guess yourself.  This is a part of being human! (Smiling)  It takes  practice  to be able to hear and understand those messages.  Embrace the fact that each of you has your own way of deciphering.  One way is not better than the other and no one carries ‘exclusive’ information.  The best thing to do is listen to your heart, it will always show you what is perfect for you! ~ Creator

Conscious Sex: Sexual Energy is a Powerful Force, that when used consciously, can be a great catalyst for spiritual growth and healing on many levels.

Conscious Sex: Surrendering to the Bliss of Sexual Energy as a Path to Healing and Growth BY DR. JUDITH ORLOFF Sexual Energy is a Powerful Force, that when used consciously, can be a great catalyst for spiritual growth and healing on many levels. The following article is based on Dr. Orloff’s bestselling book The Power of Surrender. T o manifest your full sexual energy you have to surrender. There’s no way around it. You must completely inhabit your body and be in the moment. If not now, when? Holding back, fixating on performance, or letting your mind drift is the end of passion. Don’t go there. I’ll show you how to get out of your head and into your bliss. What is true sexual energy? I define it as proudly claiming your erotic self and mindfully channeling sexual energy . You never use it to hurt, manipulate, make conquests, or get addicted to the ego trip of sensual pleasure at the expense of others. This is bad karma. Nor do you allow others to harm...

Sacred Sex is about the consciousness and awareness which we bring to the act, elevating it from mere physical pleasure to a spiritual experience of growth, expansion and personal evolution. It is time we saw sex as the truly sacred act it is: It unites us with the forces of creation, showing us the wonder of what is. It is a path to enlightenment.

Sacred Sex: Ancient Tantric Practices for Modern Lovers BY MARC ALLEN Sacred Sex is about the consciousness and awareness which we bring to the act, elevating it from mere physical pleasure to a spiritual experience of growth, expansion and personal evolution. It is time we saw sex as the truly sacred act it is: It unites us with the forces of creation, showing us the wonder of what is. It is a  path to enlightenment . Sex is a vital force, a force to be understood, and dealt with—and yet so many people have not dealt with it effectively! They run from it, or feel trapped in it or frustrated with it, or keep searching for it—and find no satisfaction in any of these choices. The great teaching of tantra is that we can find inner peace and joy by plunging into every feeling, every desire, every moment—rejecting nothing, as long as we don’t hurt anyone. Any activity whatsoever, if gone into deeply enough, will lead to ultimate understanding, freedom, and ...